This blog is all about what interests me, excites me, baffles me, shocks me, stuns me, and encapsulates me. Basically like the title says its a place to house my curiosities.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Back again.
Right now we are in a motel room in Strafford, Missouri. The air conditioner in the semi crapped out and wince we had to wait until today for our load, the boss said to grab a room. Finally I was able to get online on my Blackberry's wifi.
I still don't have my laptop fixed and am hoping to get a new laptop for Christmas. I promise to blog more often and fill you in on what has happened over the last 4 months. I apologize for the lack of editing but I'm unable to do anything but type, bare with me. I hope everyone is doing good.
Monday, May 2, 2011
A - Z Blog Challenge: Q is for . . .
For Christmas I received my first sewing machine but I have yet to use it. I have made a tote bag before with the help of my dad on his machine when I was quite young. I quite often find fabric I like when I get the chance to shop in the States. Most Wal*mart Supercenters have craft departments that sell fabric. They have had some really nice fabric and a lot of it goes on clearance as the holidays and seasons change.
I have been interested in learning to quilt for over a year now. Every few months I pick up a new quilting magazine to see what beginner patterns they have. I have found quite a few that interest me.
Now its just a matter of buying all the supplies and breaking out the sewing machine. I have lots I still need to purchase in fact all I have is the sewing machine. I love crafting so getting new items is always fun for me.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
A - Z Blog Challenge: P is for . . .
Pack Rat
Yes, I am a pack rat and my boyfriend tells me this at least once a day. I tend to save everything that I think I can use at a later date. I also tend to keep a lot of useless crap. I have paperwork that there is no sense keeping. I have broken things because I can make them into something. I have been slowly starting to go threw my things and throw away all the useless junk and organize whats left. I'm sick of all the clutter. So I have 3 Rubbermaid totes that I've been using to help organize myself. One is marked garbage, one is marked keep and one is marked donated. The garbage one fills up very fast, the keep pile is rather small and the donate pile is starting to become a decent size. So hopefully I can keep myself motivated enough to get rid of all the junk.
This is another one of the many fond memories of have from spending so much time with my grandparents. Camping was always at the same trailer park and we always had the same spot for as long as I can remember. The trailer was even in the same spot when my grampy sold the trailer when he was really sick. Every weekend when my nanny was alive our whole row of trailers would have a potluck supper. There was 11 trailers in our area and everyone brought a different item. We set up all 11 picnic tables in a row between the trailers. It was always so much fun to see what everyone brought. There was always so much food. I really enjoyed helping out Nanny with whatever I could. Most of the time on the very hot days she just sent me away to play since being in the camper cooking was hot enough on is own let alone having a youngster around. I wish potlucks were more popular now. I think they are great.
A - Z Blog Challenge: O is for . . .
I am extremely obese according to my BMI. I am 5 feet tall and at the beginning of this month I weighed 192. My weight is slowly coming down but I'm still have a lot of work ahead of me. I'm not looking for the next quick fix even though it would be nice, I do realize that it took time to put the weight on so of course it wont come off over night. I have made some lifestyle changes to be healthier and in turn lower my BMI which will eventually make me not Obese. Its a long journey but I am here for the long haul.
I can become very obsessive in a very unhealthy way. I do not stalk or become obsessive with people. I become obsessive about thoughts, dreams and items. Right now I have 3 obsessions. 1-Trailers and the thought of living in a trailer full time. 2-Helping children and starting a Charity. 3-The Civil War. I tend to get fixated on things. I have spent countless hours lost in my own little obsessive world learning everything I can about my 3 current obsessions. With multiple google searches on the topics I learn what I can. I always have the best intentions but with being an obsessive procrastinator with a short attention span within 2 weeks I'll have new obsessions. In a few weeks or months certain past obsessions will return and I'll start the whole circle over again. My obsessions can include my crafts, watching TV or movies, listening to music, playing video games and even working out.
I have never swam in the ocean. I had been to Florida 13 times before my 10th birthday, but only remember swimming in pools. I have pictures of myself when I was three, chasing seagulls on the beach but swimming in the pool in the background. I almost had the opportunity while we were on a run in California. One of the rest areas has ocean swimming, but it just happens that at a certain time the military use the area for tests and training. Of course you can guess what time we were there. I have swam in the Gulf of Mexico though. I'm sure you'd think it was on one of the trips my grandparents took me on when I was younger but it actually happen while in the semi. We were delivery at load of kitchen cabinets to Orange, FL. We were so close to the Gulf that I left my boyfriend in the truck (sports were on) and I walked over to the beach. There was no one around everyone else had jackets and sweaters on. The must have thought it was too cold to go swimming yet there I am walking down the beach in my swimsuit and towel. I swam for about and hour and walked about and down the beach for about the same time. The water was a little wavy and by the time I got back to the semi to change I had sand in places I never knew existed. My boyfriend still has a good laugh about it today.
A - Z Blog Challenge: N is for . . .
For today's entry in the A - Z Blog Challenge I could have wrote about many things, but I was able to narrow it down to just 1 topic. I have decided to write about night.
I am a huge night owl. I stay awake all hours of the night and seem to get the most accomplished when everyone else is sleeping. It seems that at night I am less likely to procrastinate, I'm sure it has a lot to do with the fact everyone else is sleeping and there is nothing on TV. My only major distraction at night is the internet. I waste alot of time on my computer.
I enjoy clear night skies, where I can look at the stars. There have been many nights where I lose myself in the starry sky, hour can go by and seem like mere minutes. It's so fascinating looking up into the darkness, there are so many things to spot, stars, shooting stars, constellations, satellites, planets, planes and moons. It sure makes you feel small and make you wonder.
My favorite part of camping is all the night activities. We always have a fire, which leads to great conversation and stories. Of course you can't have a fire without roasting marshmallows and making smores. My family is very tech friendly and we often watch movies around the camp fire as well. I often sleep with my bedroom window open, even in the winter. The cool night air is so soothing to me. While camping I love listening to call the night animals and insects. Their songs serenade me.
I love watching thunderstorms at night. Since I was a child I would open my blinds/curtains and allow the flashes of lightening light up my room. Again it may be odd but I find the chaos of a storm very soothing. Of course having your window cracked, hearing the rain and thunder and having the lightening flash into your room tends to scare the dogs. Over time the learn not to be scared and will lay on my bed with me. Rusty would stare into the night sky with me and then eventually fall asleep. Oxie, gets scared during big storms and tends to find a save spot, under the bed in the semi or at the edge of the bed. The puppies are unsure what to think about storms. They have only been in 1 at night so far and thought someone was trying to get into the semi. Needless to say we had 3 guard dogs for about an hour and a half before they finally realized they could relax and go back sleep.
Needless to say I am a night lover, and I would not change it for the world.
Monday, April 18, 2011
A - Z Blog Challenge: M is for . . .
![]() |
Just some of the DVD collection. |
Sunday, April 17, 2011
A - Z Blog Challenge: L is for . . .
Today's 'L' posting is about Live, Laugh and Love. I narrowed it down from a much larger list to these three words. It didn't seem fair to further reduce the list when these 3 words go so well with each other.
Live - Live life to the fullest. Life is to short to have regrets. Everyday is a blessing in this fragile world. Treat everyday like its the last. Don't wait until the last minute to accomplish your dreams and aspirations. Don't let fear keep you from trying something new.
Laugh - I think everyone should laugh so hard they cry and laugh so hard their sides hurt. Every life needs some humor it it, weather from funny movies, jokes, a book you have read or even a comic strip. Laugh, giggle, snort, snicker, enjoy yourself. Don't worry about being judged, express yourself. Make someone else laugh. Why be so serious all the time, there is no need to be so stressed.
Love - Love someone or something with all your heart. Don't be afraid of heart break, it restricts your emotions. I would much rather have loved with all my heart and lost it, then to have never experienced love at all. I believe in love at first site and loving unconditionally.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
A - Z Blog Challenge: K is for . . .
They are expanding the main branch by 25000 sq ft. The first free library in Kitchener was in the town hall of Berlin (one of the towns names before becoming Kitchener) in 1884. The library was given a permanent location in 1904 and by then was known as the Kitchener library. In 1962 the library moved to its current location. The library was built to serve a population of 73 000 residents. I now serves 213 000 residents and that number is expected to grow to 250 000 by 2020. There are 4 community library branches throughout Kitchener, with a fifth one planned to open in 2016. The remodeling of the main branch is scheduled to be completed in 2013.
After my visit there yesterday I'm very excited to go back, I will not allow myself to push my library trip down my list. I did checkout 3 book, Exploring Native American Wisdom, The Oxford Book of Fantasy Stories and Sherlock Holmes and the Ghosts of Bly. I'm hoping to finish reading at least one of them on this trip.
Konoronhkwa - I know to most people this looks odd, it almost looks like a made up word. Well it's not. It's how you say 'I love you' in Mohawk. I actually have this as part of my tattoo. My tattoo is for my boyfriend. He is Mohawk, of the wolf tribe.
When I get home again I'll add pictures to this posting. I which should be this coming weekend, more then likely sometime on Saturday.
Sunday April 17th 2011
I added the picture of my tattoo tonight and if I make it to the library tomorrow I'll take some pictures so I can upload them when I get home.
A - Z Challenge: J is for . . .
Todays J posting is about a few things. Again I couldn't pick just one. Which doesn't seem like a big surprise anymore.
Journaling - I don't write in a journal as much as I use to, I tend to let my procrastination win. I use to write at least once a day when I was in middle school threw most of high school. I also use to write letters, to myself and to a few friends. It was just another way to express myself. It was years before I started writing regularly again. I stuck with it for well over a year before again my procrastination took over. So yet again I have decided to write again and express myself. I'm going to apply the idea of to my journaling. The idea is to write one hundred words (no more or no less) a day for one month. Seems pretty straight forward, it's just a matter of accomplishing it. If I can accomplish writing one hundred words everyday for a month, then I'll do it again the next month.
Just Being Me and Journaling My Journey - These are titles of blogs written by Becky. I stumbled across her blog when I was looking for other people taking part in the A- Z Blog Challenge. It didn't take long and I had added her to my follow list. She stopped by my blog and is now following me. On my F posting she told me about her Journaling my Journey blog. It's her blog where she shares with her readers about her ups and downs on the weight loss journey. It's nice reading that you are not alone, and that everyone has good days and bad.
Junk - I like my friend Marie, suffer from junk everywhere. At times I can barely get to my desk let alone see my desk. I often wonder how I can anything accomplished. Who's kidding who, I do barely get anything accomplished. I'm very easily distracted and having all this junk around my room and on my desk gets very frustrating. My boyfriend describes me as a pack rat with s touch of hoarding tendencies. Like I really need those qualities added to my indecisiveness and procrastination. I can be very organized, but if someone messes with my system, and junk appears, then it doesn't take long to throw me out of whack. Once things start piling up, I find it hard to pull myself away from something else to tackling cleaning it and putting it back the way it should be. So tonight I cleaned my little corner where my desk is. Of course right now I have 2 laundry baskets on the bed in my spot, movies stacked on my dresser in front of the TV and various paperwork in a box. I moved my nail stuff back over to the bookcase and once again my little corner is kind of clean. I can see my desk again. Next time we are home I'll work on keeping my desk organized, clean off my dresser and the puppies kennel. The puppies kennel became the catch-all when we get home, everything seems to get piled up on it. I'm starting to worry it will collapse, OK it's not quite that bad yet.
Seems like I have a To Do List / List of Goals that has come out of this posting. They are :
1) Write 100 words everyday for 1 month. Starting April 12, 2011.
2) Keep my desk clean and organized.
3) Clean and organize on top and in front of my dresser.
4) Clean off the puppies kennel.
5) Don't let the not so important laundry pile up.
6) Fold and put the laundry away once it has been washed.
My list doesn't seem that big a deal when it's written down on the computer screen. I just need to put my mind to it and not let procrastination win. Everyday is such a struggle, some days are worse then others. Like today, I finally made it to the library. I have been telling Marie I have been wanting to go for over a month. I do get a lot accomplished once I get the ball rolling, it's just a matter of getting motivated enough to get it started. Here's to getting motivated. Maybe I wont wait until next time home. I think I'll set a timer for 10 mins and see what cleaning I can get accomplished. Wish me luck.
Monday, April 11, 2011
A - Z Challenge: I is for . . .
Sunday, April 10, 2011
A - Z Challenge: H is for . . .
Outdoor Hobbies
I love spending time outdoors. Some of my favorite things to do outside are go camping, go for a bike ride, play softball, take pictures, gardening and go to yard sales, flea markets and farmers markets. I enjoy travelling and am a huge day dreamer.
Each year I go camping at least once. It's a family affair, which includes my dad, his wife, her kids and their families, my sister, myself, my boyfriend, his kids and their families. Last year I even brought my dog and this year I'll bring my dogs and my sister is going to bring her dog also. It's a lot of fun and a very laid back weekend.
Up until last year, I hadn't been bike riding since I was a child. For my 27th birthday I got my bike. It has become a hobby to see where I will go on my adventures. To further my outings I need to get a bike lock and lights.
I also play softball. I have played on a recreational team and in a few tournaments. I do enjoy playing, but am often to hard on myself and get nervous. My boyfriend and I have been collecting softball bats and at one point we had over 50 bats.
Photography is another one of my hobbies. I mostly take landscape pictures and other nature pictures. I find the outdoors beautiful and try to share what I see. I have been thinking about creating a picture book.
Recently I've become interested in gardening. I love the idea of actually growing something, being able to watch the beauty of flowers form and to be able to grow produce to eat.
I really enjoy going to yard sales, flea markets and farmers markets. I the passion for one mans junk is another mans treasure was instilled in me from my nanny. While spending the summer with her I got an allowance and every weekend we would look around the community for all the sales. Its amazing what you can find and the deals you can get.
Indoor Hobbies
When I'm not outdoors then clearly I'm indoors, I have many hobbies that involve being inside. Besides cooking and baking, I also collect cookbooks and recipes. When indoors I like to craft and game. I enjoy reading, writing and blogging.
I really enjoy cooking and baking. My boyfriend thinks I own every cookbook ever printed, which is untrue. In his defense I do collect them. I enjoy trying new recipes, weather cooking for 2 or 20, cooking is my passion. Finding new recipes is so much fun for me.
I also love to craft. I have many crafts that interest me. Again Nanny was the one who introduced me to crafting. Beside cooking and gaming it gave us something to do together. I have to admit spending time with my nanny was my biggest hobby. I was her biggest fan, and she was my everything.
I'm new to blogging, but it is quickly becoming a hobby of mine. Weather I'm reading other peoples blogs or writing my blog entries, it's all fascinating. I also enjoying reading non-fiction and fiction, along with magazines. I enjoy writing poems, stories, lists, just writing in general.
A - Z Challenge: G is for . . .
As a young girl I use to look forward to rainy days at the trailer with my nanny. We wouldn't let the rainy weather outside put a damper on our day. We would craft and play games. We would play tic-tac-toe, hangman, connect 5, mazes, word searches, puzzles. We would play card and dice games too. We also had an original Nintendo. It was fun to relax and play games.
As we got older we had more board games and a few different console games. You never forget the fun that you had playing all the different games. So many memories have stayed with me over the years. One of my favorite memories is of Nanny playing Mario on the Nintendo, she was more fun to watch then actually playing the game. She would work her way to the edge of the sofa over time. When she wanted Mario to jump, she would jump, when she wanted Mario to run, she'd lean in that direction. She always had so much fun, and so did I watching her.
Now that I'm older I play more computer games, online games and console games. I have countless games I play on Facebook. I enjoy the Facebook games because the are free and there is no limit to the ones you can play. I also play World of Warcraft and Star Wars Galaxies online. These two games are computer games that you have to buy and pay to play online. I still play Spider Solitaire. I have a Nintendo DS and a Nintendo Wii also that I waste countless hours playing.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
A - Z Challenge: F is for . . .
I have struggled with my weight all my life. I was always the chubby kid and at 5 feet tall it wasn't flattering. In 6.5 years I gained 60 lbs. I would lose some and gain it back. At my highest point I was over 210 which again is hard to carry on a 5 foot frame. Yes, I haven't grown any since before I was a teenager. I believe I stopped growing when I was 10 or 11.
Since the beginning of the year, I have been trying to increase my fitness level. I have started working out more and have been more focused on eating healthy. I have been walking more and not that the weather is nicer I went for my first bike ride of the year today. It was so nice to get out. Dinner tonight was veggies and dip with a large garden salad with some ham. But I am in the mood for some chips so once I have done my writing for today and I still want a snack then I'll get a small bowl. But I did get a hot chocolate as a treat tonight.
I remember when I first got my bike last year for my birthday. I could barely ride around the block. Now I can bike for miles. I really enjoy getting out and going for a bike ride. I have been trying to find different routes to travel. I think that's part of the fun. I have a app on my phone that allows to to track all my workouts and post them on facebook and twitter. It's called Cardio Trainer. I love using that app. There is so much to choose from. I have also been walking more with the dogs. I try to walk a mile a day when I'm out in the truck, and walk about the same when at home. I'm also looking into going to the gym or local YMCA to go swimming and maybe use the gym equipment.
I weigh myself once a month to track my weight, if not I become very obsessive. I started out 2011 weighing almost 210 lbs as of April 1st I was down to 192. I'm hoping by my May weigh-in I'll be under 190. I'd be nice to weigh closer to 185 but any loss at this point would be a great success in my mind.
A - Z Challenge: E is for . . .
I'm really enjoying this challenge. It sure makes you think about what you want to write about. With so many choices, it's hard at times to choose. Today's topic is one of those hind site is 20/20 things. For today's entry I have chosen Education.
When I was younger I couldn't have cared less about my education. I was letting other events in my life, effect my everyday activities. I changed schools a lot, which isn't to uncommon for a military family. But I do not come from a military family. I changed schools 4 times before high school, and then moved again so I couldn't even go to the high school I wanted. I had a hard time making friends and the ones I did make were more like acquaintances. I began making foolish decisions at a young age. At age 17, I dropped out of high school, half way threw my senior year. I don't believe I received any credits from that first semester.
Life sure changes your perspective. Now that I have been out of school for some time. I regret not at least getting my high school diploma. Was it really that important to drop everything, to just give up on myself? I seem to be asking myself this very question a lot recently. So I have decided it's never too late to go back to school. I'm looking into taking correspondence to get what credits I do need. From there I may even looking into taking some college courses. So after all this time I finally realize how important education is. I am going to finish my grade 12.
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Friday, April 8, 2011
A - Z Challenge: D is for . . .
My first dog was a husky. I don't remember too much about her. I wanted my dog to have a mean name, and at my young age it didn't bother me she was female. I named her Spike. She was kept outside. When my family moved from our house into an apartment, we had to give Spike a new home. I remember the day my mom told me that Spike had gone to a new home, I was so heart broken that I sat on my cedar trunk and cried for hours. I didn't want my dog to be gone, I didn't want her to be some other families dog, she was my dog. As I got older I realized that it was better for her. I still miss her and remember what I can about her.

The picture above is of Anastasia. She easy easily excited. The picture on the left is of Axle. He is very laid back. The picture on the right is of Bronx. He is some where in the middle, but he feeds of Anastasia's energy and can be very hyper.
Monday, April 4, 2011
A - Z Challenge: C is for . . .
So it's day 3 of the A - Z Challenge which puts us at letter C. Again I couldn't decide on just one topic so I chose to write about three different C's that mean a lot to me. Cooking, Crafting and Camping.
First on the list is cooking. I can't remember how old I was when I learned to cook, but I do have many fond memories of spending time with my nanny in her small kitchen. I'd stand on a kitchen chair and watch her take on the world one recipe at a time. Of course she didn't need to actually see the recipe to cook the most amazing dishes. As I got older she let me help out. I'm positive I made more of a mess then actually helping her, but I think she enjoyed having me there as much as I loved being there. To this very day I have my nanny to thank for my passion towards cooking. I love being able to go into the kitchen, select ingredients and come out with a meal. To me being in the kitchen cooking or baking is an escape, its calming.
It's a way to accomplish something and yet relax all at the same time.
Another thing I enjoy and have my nanny to thank for it also is the love of crafting. I, like my nanny love to craft. It never mattered to her what she was making, as long as she enjoyed herself. She could knit, crochet, macramae, plastic canvas, sew, make animals out of bars of soap and faceclothesab you name it and I think she could do it. Everything she could to facinated me. I guess that's why I don't just do one craft. I can crochet granny squares, create beadwork, make soap & candles, make dreamcatchers, scrapbook & make greeting cards. I'd like to learn to quilt, do more leatherwork and expend on what knowledge I do have. Just like cooking I get lost in my crafting, hours can pass and they feel like minutes. Now thats how you know if you are enjoying yourself.
Last on my list is camping. My camping knowledge expanded when I was 18. Up until then I do not remember spending the weekend in a tent, on an air matress, cooking with a camp stove or using an out house. My idea of camping was going to my grandparents trailer. It was a 40 minute drive from my house unless my grampy was driving and then it was over an hour. Their trailer was kept at a nice trailer park, with full electric and water hookups. Their was an inground pool, arcade games, basketball net, volleyball net, lake, convience store, movies at dusk, dances on long weekends & bingo on the weekends. That was my idea of camping. When my dad was dating his current wife, her and her kids liked to go camping. Their idea of camping was more traditional. They camped in tents, slept on air mattresses, cooked on a camp stove and used an outhouse. Even though this was a very different style of camping then what I was use to, it was still a lot of fun. In face its a family weekend every year now. My dad and his new wife got a small trailer last year, becuase being so low to the ground was hard on their backs. I think that they just wanted to have a bit more luxury in their life. Having a travel does make setup and taredown a lot easier. I do enjoy camping, either way is a lot of fun, with lots of great memories.
I'd love to hear from you. Do you enjoy cooking, crafting, camping, or maybe all three like me?
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Sunday, April 3, 2011
A - Z Challenge: B is for . . .
I actually had several ideas I was going to write about, but just as I was beginning to write, I changed my mind. And so it my second blog posting my indecision is appearing. Even now as I write this I have changed my mind again. So before I change my mind and I get behind in my posting.
I have decided to write this entry on believing. I never realized before how much the little things in life effect our very being. Over the years I've had my ups and downs and have finally come to realize that no matter what, you need to believe. We need to have hope that no matter how tough the times are that things will get better. When you believe it gives you something to life for. Believing makes you smile becuase you know everything will eventually work out.
I now believe in myself. I have the ability to make all my dreams come true, even if it is only writing about them. I believe in living life to the fullest. Life is to short to life a sheltered life. Get out and live life, make mistakes and learn from them. Everything is in life is an experience. Have no regrets. I believe in love at first site. I believe in losing yourself to any thing you are passionate about.
Remember to always believe in yourself. If you do, then no one can put down. No one can take your smile away.
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Friday, April 1, 2011
New Month, New Blog
She is participating in the 'A - Z Blog Challenge'. It seems very interesting. I can't wait to see what to see what she chooses to write about. The idea of the challenge is to write a blog posting everyday except sunday going thru the alphabet from A - Z so by the end of the month you would have 26 new posts. There is no limit on the length or what u can choose to write about. It's a great challenge.
I have decided to modify the challenge to suit me. Since I never know when I'll have the internet, I have decided to write as many postings as I can that include A - Z. I have 1 completed, its just a matter of getting it posted before I lose the internet.
So I guess if I was writing actual challenge todays 'A' post would be about accepting. I am accepting the challenge (in a way), I'm still gonna try to write A - Z aswell and post them when I have the chance. I am accepting the responsibility of this blog. I wish to share my curiosities with anyone that would like to read about them. I am accepting that just because I am a high school drop out doesn't mean I'm not smart or have nothing to share.
Also I'd like to apologize about my post, I'm just starting out and am kind of pressed for time, so for this thrown together post I do apologize.