Monday, April 11, 2011

A - Z Challenge: I is for . . .

Ida May Lidster. Born to Roy Eugene Lidster and Mabel Madelene Burley on July 19th 1935. She married Walter Orvil Hodge on December 9th 1955. They had two children together and 2 grandchildren. She passed away on July 5th 1993 of a massive heart attack and is buried in Trenton, Ontario, Canada. 

She was many things to many people. She was a daughter, niece, wife, mother, grandmother, co-worker and a friend. But to me she was more then just a grandmother. She was my world. I spent a good majority of my time with her. Every waking moment I wanted to be with her. She spoiled me rotten but I was the first grandchild. If you have read my other postings then you know that she influenced my everyday life. It'll be 18 years this year that I have not had her in my life. But everyday that passes, I think of her, I remember her, I talk to her. I remember all the little things. I remember her getting upset with my sister and I for running around the camp ground in our bare feet. I remember her getting upset when we wouldn't get out of the pool right away for lunch, I remember having tea with her before bed. I remember her getting upset when my bangs would go into my eyes, she would tell me she was going to cut my hair off. She bought a stock in hair bands. I remember how upset she was when in grade 2 I came home with a mullet because I wanted my hair cut like my daddy's but didn't want to cut of the length. Of course I had no idea what a mullet was, but boy she was less then impressed. I remember her cooking the best meals. I remember her always wanting to know about my day and I remember her encouraging me in whatever my little adventure of the day was. I remember all the quality days that we had together.


  1. I love hearing stories about your nanny, she sounds like such a wonderful woman and I know she had such a big hand in shaping who you are today.

  2. So sweet, Cookie. She sounded like a wonderful woman! Now, she is up in heaven, looking down on you with angel wings :)

  3. Marie - Thanks, I enjoy sharing my stories. Nanny was a wonderful woman, she was a breast cancer survivor also. I realize every day that I am who I am because of her. I miss her so much, but she's her with me every step of the way. I still have the little pink elephant she got for me when i was a new born. She sure was protective of me, guess it's hard not to be though when your first born grand baby was a preemie.

    Becky - My nanny is my angel, she watches over me. I'm rather accident prone and knock on wood,
    I have had no major injuries. There was 2 angels on her grave stone but vandals broke them off :(
